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Windows FTP Installation

How to install FTP on Windows Server 2008 R2

  1. On the "Initial Configuration Tasks" screen run the "Add roles" wizard to begin installation of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site.
  2. On the first screen of the "Add Roles" wizard, click "Next."
  3. On the "Select Server Roles" screen, choose the "Web Server (IIS)" role from the options in the window and click "Next."
  4. On the Web Server (IIS) screen click "Next," again, which will bring you to the "Select Role Services" screen. Leave the top default options as they are, scroll down and check "FTP Server." Click "Next."
  5. On the "Confirm Installation Selections" screen, click "Install." Once installed, the "Installation Results" screen will appear and you will see a green-button checkmark indicating the installation succeeded.
  6. Click "Close," which will return you to the "Initial Configuration Tasks screen."
  7. Open your "Start" menu and run the "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager."
  8. On the "Information Services (IIS) Manager screen, expand your server. (In this example, it is named FTPSERVER). Then, highlight "Sites." In the "Actions" pane elements, on the right, click "Add FTP Site..." to run the "Add FTP Site" wizard.
  9. On the first screen of the "Add FTP Site," enter the name of your FTP site into the "FTP site name:" field. (Here, it is named "My FTP Site")
  10. In the "Content Directory" section, click the browse button beside the "Physical path:" field.
  11. On the "Browse for Folder page, navigate to the "%SystemDrive%\inetpub\ftproot" folder and click "OK."
  12. On the "Add FTP Site" screen, click "Next." On the "Binding and SSL Settings" screen, check the radial field beside "No SSL" and click "Next."
  13. On the "Authentication and Authorization Information" screen click the checkbox beside "Anonymous."
  14. In the "Authorization" section, under the "Allow access to:" drop-down values; choose "Anonymous users." Then, beneath "Permissions," click the checkboxes beside both "Read" and "Write" and click "Finish"
  15. You will see that you have successfully created a new FTP site that is visible on the "Sites" screen.
  16. To test the FTP site, copy the "TestFTP" folder, which contains a test text file named "FTP file," and paste it into the "ftproot" folder on the C:\ drive.
  17. Close the "ftproot" window; open the "Start" menu, then open "Internet Explorer."
  18. In the address bar, type ftp://yourservername (ours is FTPSERVER) and click Enter.
  19. Your FTP site will open and you can see its contents; in our case it’s the "TestFTP" directory. Open the test directory, and then open the "Ftp_file_txt" file to see its content.

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